Sparkling Pagodas in Mandalay

I thought I’d had my fill of temples in Thailand, but oh boy, was I wrong. The pagodas in Myanmar were something else, particularly in Mandalay where there seems to be an especially high concentration of them!

On my first full day that I spent in Mandalay, I trod barefoot across the wooden floorboards of the 19th Century Shwenandaw Monastery



Walked amongst the white-washed shrines of the KuthodawPagodaa. Each shrine houses inscribed tablets, which together make up the world largest book…

My guide hilariously coached me through various poses as I looked “too boring”! He would tell me where to stand and constantly say “no no, like this” showing me how to stand and what to do.

I was half blinded by the sun glare bouncing off the golden stupa of the Sandamuni pagoda


I perched high above the city on the crumbling walls of an out of use pagoda that my guide took me to




Explored glistening temples decorated with mosaics of coloured tiles and mirrors

The Su Taung Pyai pagoda on Mandalay Hill, where I sat with my guide, ate cake and tried to learn how to count to ten in Burmese.

I then met a group of young female monks collecting alms…


and had my face painted with Thanaka

I finished the day by ringing the Mingun Bell (once the largest ringing bell in the world)


and being graciously hosted for a traditional dinner next to the river, which sounds rather lovely and romantic but in reality resulted in lots of bugs.

I wish the photos weren’t so awful! Fried fish with dipping sauces, vegetables, rice and a whole fish baked in a coriander paste (which was possibly the best fish I have ever tasted).


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